Fasting Cuts You to Size

The real position of a person is that he hasn’t created himself on his own. Someone has created me, that's how I have come into existence. The air, water, sunlight and food haven't been created by me. They have been given to me by someone. In usual situations, because we keep getting everything, people are unable to think. The purpose of Ramadan is to create a situation in which a person is compelled to think. Unless a person is cut to size, he cannot come into contact with God.

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According to a hadith, God Almighty said: يَا عِبَادِي كُلُّكُمْ جَائِعٌ إِلَّا مَنْ أَطْعَمْتُ (Shuabul Iman, al-Baihaqi 6686) We cannot create wheat, rice or water ourselves. We remain unaware of this reality, because food is available to us in abundance. We are temporarily made to go through a course which teaches us that we don’t own anything nor can we create anything. This is what I call being cut to size. A balloon, for example, is filled with air and appears very big in size. But in fact, it is very small in size.  When you remove its air, the balloon is cut to size. Every human being is like a balloon. His needs are being fulfilled. He is getting food and water. He has money to do shopping. Every person lives with an artificial feeling. He is unaware of his true reality. The purpose of Ramadan is to cut a person to size, to release the air of the balloon. This helps in developing thankfulness. Being cut to size is the greatest wisdom. 

Pakistan was partitioned in 1972 into two and Bangladesh was formed. Before this, Bangladesh was East Pakistan and present-day Pakistan was West Pakista. East Pakistan became Bangladesh as a result of partition of Pakistan. Many books were written in that period, for example, Dismemberment of Pakistan, Partition after Partition, and so on. The title I liked the most was Pakistan Cut to Size. Pakistan has been reduced to what it originally is. The artificial situation of having another region 1000 miles away was over. It was a geographical rarity to have two far-apart regions constitute one country. This is why, the author said: Pakistan Cut to Size. Pakistan's real situation was restored. This is what has to happen in the life of every human being. The real position of a person is that he hasn’t created himself on his own. Someone has created me, that's how I have come into existence. The air, water, sunlight and food haven't been created by me. They have been given to me by someone. In usual situations, because we keep getting everything, people are unable to think. The purpose of Ramadan is to create a situation in which a person is compelled to think. Unless a person is cut to size, he cannot come into contact with God.

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